Partnerships are created by two or more people “carrying on business in common with a view to profit” (s1 PA 1890). They do not necessarily need written agreement between partners for it to exist. In the absence of an agreement they are governed by PA 1890.
No registration is required. Altho do have to inform HMRC within 3 months of commencing business. Lack of registration and limited regulation mean Partnerships can keep internal affairs private and in theory is cheaper to run.
They are however taxed as self-employed people therefore have to pay income tax.
Legal Status of Partnership
All partners share in responsibility for debts and obligation of the partnership. Their liability is joint and several (any partner of the business can be called upon by a creditor to settle a debt. Which can ultimately leading to partner becoming bankrupt).
It is the partners themselves who are the business and it is they who are and who will be responsible personally for what is done in the name of the Partnership. Thus no protection is offered to partners from 3rd parties. Therefore no need for a 3rd party to request a personal guarantee when lending/ offering credit to a partnership. The partners are already personally liable for all partnership liabilities.
Partnership Agreement
Is whatever the partners agree between themselves therefore can be oral or in writing express or implied. A Partnership exists as long as:
- Existence of a contractual intention and
- A relationship capable of satisfying required of s1 PA based on intent.
Partners are also free to agree any restrictions they like between themselves within their agreement and thereby bind themselves contractually even if such agreement curtails the rights given to them under PA 1890. However what they can’t do is restrict the protection given to third parties under PA 1890.
Under s19 PA 1890 partners are free to vary the terms of the agreement if they so choose. But only if all the partners unanimously agree to its amendments.
No matter what form the Partnership Agreement takes it’s always a private document and may be kept confidential between partners. It does not appear on any public register unlike those of a limited company and no third party has the right to demand to see it.
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